So I decided to finally start writing on this blog… It’s been a while since Jordan last wrote, and a long time since I wrote a post :) I’m going to start writing more often, I hope :P So this week Jordan’s out of town until Wednesday in Seattle. She’s hanging out with a friend over spring break. That leaves us to a small family, having Joel sleeping for work most of the time, though quieter… Well I can’t necessarily say that with Gregory, AJ and Isaac all still here :)
We all just finished our Creative Arts and Writing projects for the contest. It’s through our church; we’
re given prizes for our age group in the whole west side of the country. The theme this year was “Doing good works” and “Bearing Fruit” so through the weeks we’ve been talking about what it meant by “Bearing Fruit”. We talked about in John, where Jesus says “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”. Hearing that, I did my art showing a flower, around it, there
were mini pictures of a seed being planted, then being watered, sunlight hitting it, and it being pruned. On each little picture I would write “Planting is like Baptism, Watering is like Communion… etc.” I Used watercolor pencils, and I think it looked great :P AJ drew a tree, and in the branches, showed the fruit of the spirit being done (for Love, he showed people with arms around each other, and for patience he showed a big brother playing with a younger sibling, things like that) in each branch. For writing, I wrote about our OYO (Orthodox Youth Outreach) trip, and helping the poor. Then I also did poetry, which I wrote a poem on what one of the homeless people said on the trip. We were passing out donuts, and after they were all gone, a lady came, and after hearing they were all gone she l
ooked disappointed, but then smiled and said “Well, how about a hug?” That really touched me, and so I decided to make a poem out of it, which turned out nicely. (Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures of them before we sent them out, so for now you'll have to put up with my clip art, nice huh?)
Okay like I said, I will try and be more consistent, and I hope I can write more often… So ttyl! (For now) :)
(Title Lyrics from "I am the Vine" by Steve Green)